To make use of this we need to tweak the generated page home.html.
I have already created a replacement page on my server. so we need to amend that file by extracting the area resembling the following
Code: Select all
<div id="page"> <!-- page -->
<div id="cover"> <!-- cover -->
<p>This website contains records on 1080 individuals, cross-referenced to 39 sources. There are links to 1547 multimedia files.</p>
<div id="links"> <!-- links -->
<p><a href="individuals1.html" target="_top">Index Of Names</a></p>
</div> <!-- links -->
<p>Website created using GEDmill.</p>
<p>Created on 14 May 2022.</p>
</div> <!-- cover -->
</div> <!-- page -->
I have highlighted the area as follows
Code: Select all
<!--------- replace this from home.html ------------->
Paste the new code here
<!--------- end of replace this from home.html ------------->