- Open Family Historian
- Close Project
- New Project
- Import from other family tree file
- Browse to your RootsMagic Tree (B:\FamTree\Steve.rmtree)
- Copy any linked multimedia files should be ticked
- Accept the default settings
- Name the project
- Finish
- Answer 'Yes' to fix broken media links
- Click the list of Individuals button
- search for the person you want to be 'Root'
- on Menubar 'Edit' 'File Root' 'Set as File Root'
- click the 'Home Button'
Transfer RM8 to Family Historian
Moderator: sjj1805
- sjj1805
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1198
- Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:45 am
- motherboard: Hewlett Packard 2AF7
- system_drive: C
- 32bit or 64bit: 64 Bit
- processor: 2-90 gigahertz Intel Core i5 4460S
- ram: 8 GB
- video card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 705
- sound card: P40D100-4 NVIDIA High Definition Audio
- Hard_Drive_Capacity: 8 TB
- Location: Birmingham UK
- Contact: