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Solaris 10: VBox Additions, Sound etc.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:12 am
by sjj1805
I got it to work by copying the package to the Desktop (or other Hard Drive location), making it writable, and running pkgadd as super user:

(enter root password)
cd /cdrom/vbox*
pkgadd -d ./VBoxSolarisAdditions.pkg
Follow the prompts.

Remember to logout and login again to get the X11 (flexible screen resolution) to kick in. Also, if large resolutions are displayed in thousands of colours or less, up the video memory for the VM to something like 64 MB. You need to shut down the VM to do that.


Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:13 am
by sjj1805
pkgadd -d

Run osstest after the OS comes back up, and listen to the music! Sounds great.

Replace oss-solaris-v4.1-1052-i386.pkg with the currently available file at

Missing ACPI AC Device Driver

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:42 am
by sjj1805
Missing ACPI AC Device Driver
I've solved partially this problem with this procedure:

Downloading and installing Casper ***'s ACPI driver:
$ wget ... drv.tar.gz
$ gzcat acpidrv.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ cd acpidrv-2007-08-15
$ pfexec ./install

When you have the driver installed you can looking for battery status with CLI command:

$ batstat
System is currently on AC power
System temperature = 48.0C
Battery 0 status:
Percentage remaining: 100%
Battery is fully charged

$ batstat
System temperature = 48.0C
Battery 0 status:
Percentage remaining: 94%

And, automatically, when battery power is low, system executing a shutdown command.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:55 am
by sjj1805
General instructions for updating from the OpenSolaris 2008.05 release to the OpenSolaris 2008.11 release

1. Before using the image-update subcommand, it is required that the latest available version of the IPS software and install libraries be installed for your current boot environment (BE)

$ BUILD=`uname -v | sed -e \"s/snv_//\" -e \"s/[a-z]//\"`
$ pfexec pkg refresh
$ pfexec pkg install entire@0.5.11-0.${BUILD}
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg@0.5.11-0.${BUILD}
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWinstall-libs

2. Use image-update directly as follows

$ pfexec pkg image-update

At this point, you can boot into the updated BE using reboot(1M) or init(1M) as usual.