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Fedora - Adobe Flash

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:50 pm
by sjj1805 ... 1-gnome-p3

Open a terminal window (under Applications > System Tools > Terminal)...
... and type in


to become root.

Then run

rpm -Uvh ... noarch.rpm ... noarch.rpm

This adds the RPM Fusion repository (a merger or Dribble, Freshrpms, and to our package manager.

Next we add the Adobe repository which provides the Flash player and the Adobe Reader:

rpm -Uvh ... noarch.rpm

Finally we add the Skype repository - as there is no rpm, we have to do it manually:

gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/skype.repo
A \"Notepad\" pops up - place the following in and save/close

name=Skype Repository
baseurl= ... ates/i586/
gpgkey= ... ic-key.asc

Now that we have added additional repositories, a lot more packages are available in our package manager for installation, especially a big deal of our needed packages. To install them, go to System > Administration > Add/Remove Software:

Use the search field and select the following packages for installation (* is a wildcard; e.g. mplayer* means all packages that start with mplayer) and click on Apply afterwards:

* f-spot
* flash-plugin
* filezilla
* thunderbird
* amule
* azureus
* skype
* xchat-gnome
* AdobeReader_enu
* gnucash
* scribus
* amarok
* audacity
* banshee
* mplayer
* mplayer-gui
* gtkpod
* xmms*
* DVDRipOMatic
* dvdrip
* kino
* vlc
* mozilla-vlc
* xine*
* k3b
* bluefish
* kdewebdev
* java
* compat-libstdc++-33 (needed by RealPlayer)
* ffmpeg
* lame
* libXp
* mjpegtools
* wget
* VirtualBox-OSE
* gstreamer-*

Afterwards, the selected packages will be installed. This can take a few minutes, so please be patient.