Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

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Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

Post by sjj1805 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:42 pm

Serves 4.

  • 6 slices well buttered Bread
  • 50g/2oz Sultanas
  • 4 Eggs
  • 25g/1oz Sugar
  • 600ml/20fl.oz. Milk
  • A little extra Sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 170C, 325F, Gas mark 3. Grease a 7.5cm/3 inch deep ovenproof dish.
  2. Remove the crusts from the buttered bread and cut into quarters (triangles or squares). Reserve 4 quarters for the top and arrange the rest in layers in the dish, sprinkling the sultanas between each layer. Top with the reserved quarters.
  3. In a saucepan, heat the milk to hot but not boiling. In a large bowl, mix together the eggs and sugar then add the hot milk, stirring well.
  4. Slowly strain over the bread and fruit, being careful not to dislodge the top layer of bread. Leave the bread and butter pudding to stand for 10 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle the bread and butter pudding with a little sugar and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the top is browned and crispy.

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