Useful Tips - All Ulead Products.

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Useful Tips - All Ulead Products.

Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:18 am

From Time to time a user posts something that could be regarded as a useful tip to other users. These tips are then lost in the depths of the forum as new posts arrive and so push those tips down into oblivion.
I do not want this thread to become bloated with discussions regarding those tips, therefore this thread will remain locked. Credit for the tip will be given to the person who made that original posting.
Please PM me if there is a tip you have either written or seen in this forum that you think ought to be included in this thread.
Thank you. Steve J - Tutorials Moderator.


MF5: How to show the "Drop Frame Counter
Add Movie Factory 4 Menu Templates to Movie Factory 5.
Video Studio 9 Extra Content
Best way to set up a multi-boot system
launch the Full version of Movie Factory from Media Studio 8
More Detailed Project Properties Information.
Converting 4.3 video to 16.9
Copying Buttons And Frames From Prior DVDMF Versions Into Version 5
How to correct the problem with Xvid format media clip's thumbnails being black in library and timeline.
UK Users: Protection against loss/theft
How to Create a hidden menu (Easter Egg) in DVD WS2
A guide of tweaks etc to optimise your PC
How to add transitions to clips on VideoStudio overlay tracks
Converting your hard drive from FAT32 to NTFS.

MF5: How to show the "Drop Frame Counter"
This is not an official solution by Ulead. The "Drop Frame Counter" involves editing a critical program file and any other changes to it can cause the program not to run properly. If you encounter problems with the software and ask for Technical support, the TS guys may not be able to give the exact solution because the program has been tampered. Tech Support can never know for sure what other values are changed so its better to be safe. Its like voiding the warranty of a certain electrical device by removing a jumper or modifying its circuit. Make sure you backup those files and revert it to the original one and then ask for TS assistance.

It is covered in the EULA under "2. Use of Software: You may not: 4) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software"

maddrummer3301 wrote:Another Useful Tip for MF5: How to show the "Drop Frame Counter"
By Default MF4/5 doesn't display dropped frames. Possibly because doing so may take up cpu power on slower systems. Especially on direct to disk function.

For experienced users to display "Drop Frames".

Program Configuration Files (Hidden Directory "Application Data")
Directory = C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory\\5.0
Configuration File = DVDMFCap.ini

Default Settings: Specific Section:

ShowCaptureInfo=0 (This is the default NOT to show "Dropped Frames"
AutoDropBitRate=1 (If frames are dropped maybe automatically drop the bitrate to a lower value?)

New Settings to Display the Drop Frame Counter
ShowCaptureInfo=1 (Change this to a one)

The "Drop Frame" counter is only visible during the active capturing process.

Hope this helps,

Add Movie Factory 4 Menu Templates to Movie Factory 5.
maddrummer3301 wrote:Hi,
You can add directories and name them separately making them custom.
If you want to add all the MF4 templates is easy.

Make sure MF3/4 and 5 are Not running.

Location of the MF4 templates:
C:\\Program Files\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 Disc Creator\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0\\Template -->(Sub-directories of templates).

First off the program separates the 2 different aspect ratios in direct relation to whatever you have the aspect ratio Icon set at (bottom of the menu creation screen).

So on the bottom of the screen make sure the aspect ratio is set to the correct sub-directory in MF5.

The following location is to copy the 4x3 menu templates.

Location to copy the "Complete Directories" to:
C:\\Program Files\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\Content\\Menu Template\\4x3 --> (subdirectories you want to ADD/Copy from MF3/4).

Copy the complete directories Under the 4x3 directories (this makes them subdirectories) IF your templates are 4x3. When you start MF5 it will load them in.

After you have them loaded in click on the "Aspect Ratio" icon on the bottom of the screen and change it to 16:9. You will see the MF4 templates disappear because MF5 is now using the 16x9 sub-directory which you haven't copied anything into yet.

Hope this helps,

Further to the excellent post by MD
move all the 16.9 Menus to
C:\\Program Files\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\Content\\Menu Template\\16x9

In Version 4 the 4.3 and the 16.9 are sort of mixed in with each other but easy to identify and seperate.

Now you get 16.9 menus from version 4 in version 5 as well.



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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:19 am

Video Studio 9 Extra Content

If Smart download fails - it usually does - use these

Links provided by forum member: robrwy Alternative links provided by forum member Sektionschef
  • DVDMenuBonusPack.exe
  • Full Spectrum 22k.exe
  • ddr21_(e)_foruvs9.exe
  • uvs9_contentpack_part1.exe
  • uvs9_contentpack_part2.exe
  • uvs9_contentpack_part3.exe
  • uvs9_contentpack_part4.exe
Ulead Website.

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:19 am

Best way to set up a multi-boot system
There are of course other methods such as raid drives but those in my humble opinion are for the more advanced computer user. The following method is easily within the abilities of the majority of users. If anyone wishes to add further suggestions please post those in the following thread

The following is an extract from a private email received.
You may be interested in the reply given.
I am a Ulead Member,
I have a problem, how to set up more Hard Drives as 2 of them are to be DATA Only.
I am running Windows XP PRO with now SP2, & NTFS
1 now have 3 Drives,
How is the best way to set each one up.
primary/ extended/simple etc

1 60gb IDE Drive C: O/S: & D: DATA
2 200gb IDE Drive DATA ONLY
3 300gb SATA Drive DATA ONLY

I seem to get problems if I use to many Partitions, Windows keeps checking a Drive.
All Drives have been replaced by Maxtor.
I cannot any help from Maxtor or Microsoft.
Most grateful.
Thank you.
Please see my post 4th one down on this thread
The whole thread also contains some useful debate regarding other suggestions such as a separate user profile.

Without repeating all of the thread. Dependant upon what other software you use on your computer I would probably use the 60GB drive as drive C and install the Windows Operating on this drive plus any programs such as Microsoft Office, the Ulead programs etc.
The 200GB drive I would keep all important data files such as word documents, excel spreadsheets, photographs etc.
The 300GB hard drive I would reserve as much as possible for Video files. I would also have a back up routine so that the important data on the 200GB drive is also duplicated onto the 300GB drive. You shouldn't need to back up programs as these can be re-installed from original discs.

I would also then turn off the computer. Remove the power lead to the 60GB drive and then install Windows again, this time onto the 200GB drive. Once completed restore the power cable to the 60GB drive.

You then have a dual boot system which is completely independent of each other. You select which one to boot to via the System BIOS
(That little message that appears when you first turn on the computer press the *** key to enter setup)
This now gives you a lot of power in respect of
1. In case of a serious problem preventing your normal version of windows from starting up, you can boot from the other one and still retrieve your data.
2. If you want to try out new software, updates etc. do so first in the back up system. Only repeat the process with your day to day system when you are happy that there are no problems.
Last edited by Administrator on Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:20 am

launch the Full version of Movie Factory from Media Studio 8
The following shows how to launch MF4 Disc Creator but you can easily work out how to adapt this to other versions.

If you have MSP8 and also a full version of DMF4 Disc Creator and would like
MSP8 to open your full version of DMF4 rather than the version that forms part of MSP8. create a text file as follows:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead MediaStudio Pro\\8.0\\Installer]
\"DMF_EXE\"=\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Ulead Systems\\\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0 Disc Creator\\\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4.0\\\\DVDMF.exe\"

And save it somewhere with a reg extension, eg MSP8fix.reg.
Then click the reg file to add this entry to the registry.

For DVDMF5 the above should read:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead MediaStudio Pro\\8.0\\Installer]
\"DMF_EXE\"=\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Ulead Systems\\\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\\\Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5\\\\DVDMF.exe\"

Now from MSP8 when you select
...............DVD authoring

The full version of DMF4 will load.

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:21 am

More Detailed Project Properties Information.

Tip supplied by Forum member htchien

This is not an official solution by Ulead. Editing a critical program file and any other changes to it can cause the program not to run properly. If you encounter problems with the software and ask for Technical support, the TS guys may not be able to give the exact solution because the program has been tampered. Tech Support can never know for sure what other values are changed so its better to be safe. Its like voiding the warranty of a certain electrical device by removing a jumper or modifying its circuit. Make sure you backup those files and revert it to the original one and then ask for TS assistance.

It is covered in the EULA under "2. Use of Software: You may not: 4) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software"

htchien wrote:System Restore will only restore the registry settings of Windows, not the files. It could cause some serious problems for programs (especially for programs that will share some common DLLs) so I do not recommend to use System Restore (I always turn that off).

If you wish to see more details on project properties, do the followings:

1. Open System Drive:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Ulead Systems\\<Product Name>\\<Product Version>\\<Product INI file> with a text editor. For example DVD MF5:

<System Drive> -> Usually it's the C: drive
<Product Name> -> Ulead DVD MovieFactory
<Product Version> -> 5.0
<Product INI file> -> DVDMF.ini

You need to remove the hidden attribute of the Application Data folder by using Tools->Folder Options in Windows Explorer first.

2. Find the [VIODRIVER] section and add the following line:


3. Save the ini file then open your Ulead product.

4. Open project properties and select MPEG Settings->Customize->Compression, you will see an Advanced button to be appeared.

5. Clicks on the Advanced button then you will see the details of project properties.

Hope this helps.


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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:21 am

Tip provided by forum member Imiricol

Converting 4.3 video to 16.9

I went on holidays recently and shot a lot of mini dv footage as 4:3. About 2 months after I got back I managed to get a widescreen TV.

At this point I've been using the technique I descibe below to \"crop\" my 4x3 footage to to 16x9.

-Start a new 4x3 project
-Add footage to video track, do other exits/cuts transitions etc.
-Add crop filter set to 100% x 76%. If the action moves around on screen I can adjust the position of the crop so it's still on screen by addin extra diamonds on the line.
-Render footage as 4x3 from share
-use DVDpatcher to turn the 4x3 toggle into 16x9
-Use the bulit in menu dvd burner to make dvd (does not rerender if done correctly)

I get decent quality out of this, which I think makes sense as my old sony mini dv camcorder doesn't magically add pixels when footage is shot in 16x9 mode. It just crops.

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:22 am

Copying Buttons And Frames From Prior DVDMF Versions Into Version 5

locate the folder which contains the elements you want in the v4 install directory and copy them to the corresponding location in the v5 directory. A couple of notes: you'll want to change the file names in such a way that one set does not partially or completely overwrite the other, as the files use simple sequential names like btn001, btn002, etc. Also, the directory structures differ from version to version, so you'll need to poke around a bit to find where you need to copy things from/to. And finally, you'll likely end up with some duplicate buttons and frames on the customize menu, as Ulead has not used a consistent name for a particular style and kept it that way between versions. But at least you'll have some variety back!

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:23 am

How to correct the problem with Xvid format media clip's thumbnails being black in library and timeline.

Provided by forum member Piterplus
Ulead Disclaimer wrote:This is not an official solution by Ulead. This procedure involves editing a critical program file and any other changes to it can cause the program not to run properly. If you encounter problems with the software and ask for Technical support, the TS guys may not be able to give the exact solution because the program has been tampered. Tech Support can never know for sure what other values are changed so its better to be safe. Its like voiding the warranty of a certain electrical device by removing a jumper or modifying its circuit. Make sure you backup those files and revert it to the original one and then ask for TS assistance.

It is covered in the EULA under "2. Use of Software: You may not: 4) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software

Go to: C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users.WINDOWS\\Application Data\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead VideoStudio\\10.0\\ and find file called "uvs.ini" (if it not present in this location, try using search, it sould be somethere in "documents" folder). In this file find "[HardwareAcc]' section and change the line "ReadByDS=IYUV,YUY2" in it to the "ReadByDS=IYUV,YUY2,XVID"
Now all Xvid clips will be opened and viewed properly by Videostudio 10+ (and I think same way may be applyed to vs 9.0).
To moderator:
I think that this information should be added to the FAQ, because I'm not only one who have to edit xvid video files with latest videostudio and have similar problems. My only wonder is why ulead emitted support of moderately popular format from last two VS versions (in my VS08.0 all xvid clips are viewed without problem)

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:23 am

UK Users: Protection against loss/theft

The cost of your video/photograph and computer equipment can run into several hundred and perhaps thousands of pounds.

The following website for users in the UK enables you to register your valuable equipment (For FREE) where you record the serial number, make model etc of anything.
Mobile Phone
and lots more.

Should you suffer a loss or theft of equipment the UK Police Forces have access to this register and can instantly search items that have come into Police possession so that you can be re-united with your equipment.

I strongly urge all UK forum members to join and register their equipment.

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Post by Administrator » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:24 am

Converting your hard drive from FAT32 to NTFS.

Link provided by forum member Skier-Hughes

The article provided by Microsoft detailing how to convert from FAT32 to NTFS is found here.

However.....I'd suggest reading the following article before converting, as the MS one is not quite complete.

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