Creating a Transistion


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Creating a Transistion

Post by sjj1805 » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:07 pm

This is a quick down and dirty tutorial on how to create your own Transitions, using nothing more then MSP 8. This uses the nice new feature of virtual time-lines.

What you'll need is a copy of MediaStudio Pro 8, 3 short video clips, not all being the same duration, a little creativity or imagination. Ready, ? Here we go...
  1. Insert a color (preferably black, solid) in Video1. This will be the start of your little project, to fade in from.
  2. Create a new time-line, by right-clicking on the Main Time-line tab, and selecting Create New time-line.
  3. Place 2 video clips in Video1 track of the New Time-line, overlapping the first one about 2/3 onto the first. Unless you have disabled the auto transition, a cross-fade transition will be created.
  4. Replace the Cross-Fade with one from the Library. Try using the SweepClock from the Clock transitions.
  5. Add this time-line to the Main Time-line, by Right-clicking on the Time-line Tab, and selecting Add to Main time-line.
  6. Place it on Video1, overlapping it slightly (about 1 sec) onto the color clip.
  7. Place another clip onto Video1, overlapping it about 1/3 onto the clip you just placed there from the New Time-line.
  8. Replace the transition just created by overlapping with another transition. You can use the same Clocksweep or start dragging others to see what happens.
There you go, you just created a 3-clip transition. You can get a lot wilder with all the tracks, and virtual time-lines that can be used.

By the way this idea was borrowed from Charlie Hill. He's a master at Ulead's video editing software. You can purchase (he almost gives it away) book called Getting Results with MediaStudio Pro 8. It's not just a reading book (hardback or electronic), you get hands on, examples and samples to work with. Go get it here:

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