Extra Large Audio Timeline


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Extra Large Audio Timeline

Post by sjj1805 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:19 am

When I create a slide show with MediaStudio Pro 8, I like to place the soundtrack on the timeline first. I then play through the track listening for beat changes where I would later like the images to change and I mark that spot with a cue marker.

Problem is either my display is making everything small or old age creeping in and my eyes are not as good as they used to be, probably a bit of both

The MediaStudio timeline only lets you select an audio time line height of up to 80

This procedure will give you an audio timeline of 200 :!: :!: :!:

Step 1. Using Windows Explorer locate the following file:
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Stephen\\Application Data\\Ulead Systems\\Ulead MediaStudio Pro\\8.0\\Layout.ult

(Replace Stephen with your Windows User Name)

Make a back up copy so that you can always revert to the original in case you make a mistake.

Step 2. Download the following file

Step 3. Open this file , select all and copy. Close the file.

Step 4. Open the file from step 1 (The original not the copy)

Step 5. Goto the END of that file and paste the text from Step 3.

Step 6. Save and close the file.

Now when you open MediaStudio you will find in the Window Layout Manager a new entry \"Find Beats\"

Click this tumbnail to see a full screen picture of the audio time line.

This is not an official solution by Ulead. Editing a critical program file and any other changes to it can cause the program not to run properly. If you encounter problems with the software and ask for Technical support, the TS guys may not be able to give the exact solution because the program has been tampered. Tech Support can never know for sure what other values are changed so its better to be safe. Its like voiding the warranty of a certain electrical device by removing a jumper or modifying its circuit. Make sure you backup those files and revert it to the original one and then ask for TS assistance.

It is covered in the EULA under \"2. Use of Software: You may not: 4) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software\"

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