Using ROBOCOPY to perform back ups

Various changes to the Windows Operating System, also for the Intranet

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Using ROBOCOPY to perform back ups

Post by sjj1805 » Tue May 11, 2021 10:30 am

ROBOCOPY C:\source\ M:\Backup\destination\ /XO
ROBOCOPY C:\source\ M:\Backup\destination\ /MIR

/XO will add new or changed files but not remove any
/MIR means "Mirror" and so it will replicate the source directory including removing files that no longer exist.
Used in conjunction with the built in Windows Task Scheduler you can create your own set it and forget it back ups

To copy files using a wildcard is somewhat different to what you might expect.
This example will copy all the changed "PST" *Microsoft outlook data files" from drive B to a directory on drive M
ROBOCOPY B:\ M:\Backup\Tue\ *.pst /XO

The syntax is
ROBOCOPY source destination\ *.wildcard /XO

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