Interlocking Text


Moderator: sjj1805

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Interlocking Text

Post by sjj1805 » Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:28 pm

Lionhead wrote:Hi,

Is it possible to interlock text with PI 11 as shown here...if so how?


keenart wrote:Yes, you can interlock text or open objects such as rings.

Open PI11, create a color image, any data type will work.

We will use your example of the text letter L and N.

Use the Text tool to add both the letter L and N to the image. Arrange the letters as in you image. Place the N over the L in the same position as your example. Use the Move to front and back, if necessary. Once you have accomplished this, it may be helpful to lock the letters in place, using the Properties dialog box.

Deselect the N, and select the L. Use the Selection tool to copy the part of the lower L you want to float over the N. Copy your selection, do not deselect, select the N and paste the previous copied selection. You may want to lock this text fragment into place if you have other work. You could also Group your selection for movement and then Ungroup.

This techniques works with rings and other open objects, which include 3D objects as well. You can create some very complex interlocked objects and or text. If you have anti-aliased objects beware of the fringe that may not copy, use the Magic Wand tool or the Lasso tool to pickup all pixels.
Simonsnanna wrote:Lionhead, here's a quick, plain English answer to your question, I think...

1. Position your letters where you want them, with the L on top.

2. Make the L semi-transparent, just enough to be able to see the N below it. Select the N and convert it to image. Use the eraser to erase the section I have outlined--or whatever part of the N that would go behind the may want to zoom in for this part, so that you can be more precise.

3. Remove the transparency from the L, and move it to the back.

I'm sure the first reply was exactly right, also, but to me, this way is easier. You've probably already figured this out, but if not, I hope this helped you.


Edited: P.S. I did this in PI 10, but these tools in PI 11 shouldn't be any different.

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