Adobe Photoshop Red Eye Removal

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Adobe Photoshop Red Eye Removal

Post by sjj1805 » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:03 pm

Red Eye Removal with Photoshop

Using Photoshop there are an incredible number of ways to deal with the \"red
eye\" problem created by the use of a flash when taking photos of people and

Here is a method that restores a very natural appearance to the eyes, unlike
many of the other methods available. It is also very simple and easy to

1. In Photoshop, open the image with the \"red eye\" problem.
2. Create an empty layer above the background layer.
3. Select the Brush Tool.
4. Set \"Hardness\" to zero (i.e. use a soft-edged brush).
5. Set the brush size to be slightly larger than the \"red eye\" area in the
6. Set the color to \"Black.\"
7. Paint over the \"red eye\" areas.
8. Set the Blending Mode to \"Color.\"
9. Voila! The \"red eye\" problem is gone and the eyes look alive and sparkling

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